
Weird reason your user results will not show up in view Opigno Quiz Module Drupal 7

Orphan Files.

Delete them all out of your quiz's results list within the node!

Add "%" suffix to drupal 7 aggregated table views (Table with aggregration Module)

Hello all.

I need to add a "%" to the suffix to a table with aggregation.  It's a great module but there isn't a place to put prefixes or suffixes which my clients wanted the "%" at the end which is not un-reasonable.

I did it with css.

Find the css selector and copy it. 

Here's my css code that places the sufix.Change the selector to match your selector.

Using Drupal views to display overall percentage score for groups of quizzes- Math expression and Views Aggregation Plus (VAP) Opigno Quiz Module

The problem:

Client wanted to display the percentage score of four quizzes based on the max score possible for all four quizzes combined. Opigno Course actually takes the percentage scores of each quiz result and averages them. This client did not want that.

Soooooo here's what I did.


The view:  (My Quizzes/Lessons are renamed "Core Characteristics")


Opigno Drupal 7 Quiz - Why can't user see their quiz lesson results?

This is just one possible reason but it's what took me forever to figure out.

I set up a bunch of blocks to display serveral quiz results, some of the blocks were not showing up on my test users results page.

Drupal 7- add user ID UID to URL path and hard code it for Links

I added an if statement for good measure and an example how you could use the link/ URL print.

Add ing regions to Opigno

Places to add your files. Four things to do.. not including css


Create a region template. 

My template name: platon--site-content--right-sidebar.tpl.php

Pu it in the theme's templates folder.

My code for a plain side bar


  $settings = variable_get('theme_platon_settings');
  if(!empty($settings['palette'])) {
    $backgroundColor = $settings['palette']['dark_blue'];

Adding Itunes or missing Itunes songs in Virtual DJ Mixing software, Windows 10

Yes... I hotmix too. Haha!

So I ran into this issue when I started using Virtual DJ to create Hotmixes for an event we were throwing.

Only a few of my songs were being loaded into the Virtual DJ music directory.

So after looking for hours on the internet for a solution... I started hacking away at my system because I couldn't find anything online to help me.


What worked for me.

I unistalled Itunes, erased all the songs from itnues that were downloaded on to my device.

Restarted my device (Windows 10)

VLookup in Excel for matches

Add users to new sheet (sheet2)
Sort Sheet2 A to Z

 Create New column on sheet 1 at far left (In front of A)

click on cell that lines up with the cell I need to start in that avoids headers

type in the cell the Function VLOOKUP

=VLOOKUP(Cell you want to look up, Cell range you want to look in, 1, FALSE)

   EX =VLOOKUP(C4,Sheet2!A1:A23,1,FALSE)

Before you copy to the next row and beyond, highlight the Cell range in formula bar, (in the above formula is Sheet2!A1:A23) you want to look in, then hit F4.

Opigno Quiz import module text in title/question field too long in excel import

Took me forever to find this answer. My questions that i was importing had too many chartacters in the excel sheet I was importing.  Added the lines below. 


profiles>Opigno_lms>modules>Opigno quiz import app

Go to the file opigno_quiz_import_app.module and where you have

// Start a new one.
$node = (object) array(
'title' => $question,

can you please put

// Start a new one.
$trimmed = substr($question, 0, 250);
$node = (object) array(
'title' => $trimmed,


Opigno LMS- when the homepage changes to "Access denied" for anonymous users

This is just a quick reference on where to find the permissions for the front page of Opigno LMS. 

It took me a second to figure out what I did in error to cause my home page to go to an "Access Denied" page for all users that were not logged in.

There is a feature called "Homebox" for Opigno, which I thought only controlled the dashboard view for users when they are logged in. But not the case, it controls the Front page as well. So changing the permission on which users can see the "HomeBox" directly effects who can see what on the Front page. Weird right?


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